2 Tricks To Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders In Windows 10

2 Tricks To Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders In Windows 10

Unwanted files and folders can affect the system performance, according to professionals a clean and clear system drive can help any computer to work efficiently. After upgrading to Windows 10 two folders named $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS appear on System or C Drive.

These folders are actually temporary folders created by Windows, during the upgrading process. These folders are in a hidden state, and you have to change the folder options to see them. Go to the File Explorer, under View tab, check Show hidden files checkbox.

If you are using Windows 10 and getting errors because of unwanted installed files or folders then it’s really irritating. You get two files named $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS appear on your screen and find some difficulty while working in Windows 10.

Go through this article, know the tricks to delete windows bt and also get to know about what are $WINDOWS.~WS and $WINDOWS.~BT folders.

What are $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS Folder

$WINDOWS.~WS and $WINDOWS.~BT folders are created when upgrading Windows from one version to another.

When any user tries to upgrade their Windows from Creators Update to Fall Creators update, such folders are created automatically with the files relating to the previous version of Windows installation.

$WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS folders help to downgrade Windows 10 operating system to the previous version of the new Windows version are causing problems.

Now, you might be wondering what’s the difference between $WINDOWS.~BT folder and $WINDOWS.~WS folder. It is as follows:

  • $WINDOWS.~BT contains all the files from the previous Windows 10 installation. So, when the user tries to revert back to its older version, Windows use the files from this folder to do so.
  • $WINDOWS.~WS contains the setup files that are downloaded by Windows 10 Media Creator Tool. These setup files that help upgrade the Windows operating system to the newest version.

Now, that you know what are $WINDOWS.~BT And $WINDOWS.~WS Folders. Let’s start with the tricks to delete them.

But before that, get to know is it safe to delete these folders.

Can I deleted $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders

YES, you can delete the $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders on Windows 10 but let me tell you one thing, if you do so then you cannot go back to the previous version of your Windows operating system.

The option to roll back from settings->update & security-> recovery will disappear. However, deleting these folders can be done using a disk cleanup or Windows security option.

Below are the full steps are given to delete these folders by applying the two options.

How to Delete $windows. bt & $Windows.~WS Folder

Here are the tricks provided below that will help you in deleting the $WINDOWS.~WS and $WINDOWS.~BT folders in Windows 10. So, go through them and clean up your Windows. But before that, create a system restore point just to be on a safe side.

Trick 1: Delete $WINDOWS.~BT And $WINDOWS.~WS Folders Using Disk Cleanup

To delete $Windows.~BT or Windows.old folder apply the below-given steps:

  • Open run dialogue box by pressing Windows key + R
  • Type cleanmgr.exe and hit Enter.

A dialog box of Disk Cleanup will open. Select C:\ or the name of drive where these folders are present.

2 Tricks To Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders In Windows 10

After the completion of Disk cleanup’s scanning, click on the “Clean Up System files“. If again ask to select Drive then choose the same drive and click “OK“.

2 Tricks To Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders In Windows 10

Now, you will be presented with choices to clean “Previous Windows Installations“, “Temporary Windows installations files“. Select the options and click OK and let it remove those in the background.

By applying the above trick you can easily remove “Windows.old” folder without any error, but there are some chances that you’ll still have $Windows.~BT, and $Windows.~WS in your hard drive. Go to the “Trick 2“.

Trick 2: Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders Using Windows Security Option

If you are unable to delete these folders with the help of Solution 1, then you’ll need to apply the trick 2.

  • Navigate to the path where the $Windows.~BT the folder is present, right-click on it and select Properties.
  • Navigate to the Security Tab and select you, current user, with which you’re logged in.
  • Click on Edit. Select your current user with which you’re logged in your computer.

    2 Tricks To Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders In Windows 10

  • Click Checkbox of “Full Control” and Click Apply and OK.

    2 Tricks To Delete $WINDOWS.~BT and $WINDOWS.~WS Folders In Windows 10

  • Click on OK to close the last dialogue box. Now you’ve complete ownership of $Windows.~BT folder. And now you can delete this folder simply.

Note: According to Microsoft, it is recommended that you must keep this folder, these folders are necessary to roll back to previous windows.

Check your Windows PC/Laptop Health

It is mandatory to keep your Windows PC/Laptop healthy for their better and error-free performance. For that scan your computer daily to keep the problem away.

Try the PC Repair Tool. This tool is user-interface and easy to handle. You just need to scan your PC it will automatically detect the error and solves it.

This repair tool fixes errors such as DLL, registry, BSOD, update, game, etc. and also repair damaged or corrupt system files. It will optimize the performance of your Windows and protect it in the future from problems.

Get PC Repair Tool to Keep your Windows PC Healthy


So, that’s all about the $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders.

I have provided you with the effective tricks that will help you to delete $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders in Windows 10 and you can easily get rid of unwanted installed files.

It is expected that you liked this article and it turns out to be useful fo you in deleting the folders as well as knowing about the $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders.

I hope your queries are resolved.

الخدعة 3: حذف المجلدات "Windows.old" و"$Windows.~BT" في موجه الأوامر المرتفع

1. افتح  موجه أوامر مرتفع .

2. انسخ الأوامر أدناه والصقه في موجه الأوامر المرتفع واحدًا تلو الآخر، ثم اضغط بعد كل أمر. (انظر لقطة الشاشة أدناه)أدخل

إذا كان لديك  مجلد windows.old.(1) آخر  تريد حذفه أيضًا، فيمكنك تكرار هذه الأوامر مع استبدال هذا الاسم بدلاً من  windows.old  لحذفه أيضًا.

Takeown /F "C:\Windows.old" /A /R /DY

icacls "C:\Windows.old" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q

RD /S / Q "C:\Windows.old"


/F "C:\$Windows.~BT\*" /A /R /DY

icacls "C:\$Windows.~BT\*.*" /grant *S -1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q

RD /S /Q "C:\$Windows.~BT"

3. عند الانتهاء، يمكنك إغلاق موجه الأوامر المرتفع إذا أردت.

الخدعة 4: احذف المجلد "Windows.old" في موجه الأوامر عند التمهيد

1. قم بالتمهيد إلى  موجه الأوامر عند التمهيد .

2. للتحقق من حرف محرك أقراص Windows 10 عند التمهيد

قد لا يكون حرف محرك الأقراص لنظام التشغيل Windows 10 دائمًا هو  C:  عند التمهيد كما هو الحال أثناء بدء تشغيل Windows، لذا تأكد من التحقق من حرف محرك الأقراص الخاص به قبل تنفيذ الأمر في  الخطوة 3  أدناه حتى يعمل هذا.

أ) اكتب في موجه الأوامر، ثم اضغط على . (انظر لقطة الشاشة أدناه)
ب) اكتب في موجه الأوامر، ثم اضغط على .
ج) من المجلدات المدرجة، ابحث عن حرف محرك الأقراص الخاص بمحرك الأقراص الذي يعمل بنظام التشغيل Windows 10 وتحقق منه.
د) في موجه الأوامر، اكتب , ثم اضغط على .diskpartEnterlist VolumeEnterexitEnter

3. لحذف المجلد "Windows.old"
أ) اكتب الأمر أدناه في موجه الأوامر، ثم اضغط على . (انظر لقطة الشاشة أدناه) أدخل
RD /S /Q "D:\Windows.old"

تأكد من استبدال  D  في الأمر أدناه بحرف محرك الأقراص الفعلي لمحرك Windows 7 الخاص بك كما هو معروض في  الخطوة 2  أعلاه بدلاً من ذلك. إذا كان لديك  مجلد windows.old.(1) آخر  تريد حذفه أيضًا، فيمكنك تكرار هذا الأمر مع استبدال هذا الاسم بدلاً من  Windows.old  لحذفه أيضًا.

ب) أغلق  كيفية حذف مجلدات Windows.old و$Windows.~BT في نظام التشغيل Windows 10-Close.jpg موجه الأوامر.
4. انقر/اضغط على  الزر "متابعة"  لإعادة تشغيل الكمبيوتر والمتابعة إلى نظام التشغيل Windows 10. (انظر لقطة الشاشة أدناه)

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