微軟發布免費 SyncToy 2.1

微軟發布免費 SyncToy 2.1

更新: Microsoft 不再支持此軟件,並且不再可以從 Microsoft 下載。

昨天晚些時候,Microsoft 發布了其 免費軟件 SyncToy 實用程序的新版本 – 版本 2.1(構建,適用於 Windows XP、Windows Vista 和 Windows 7。32 位和 64 位版本均可免費下載。

最新版本包括重大升級,應該能夠滿足您所有的 PC“同步”需求。我下載了該工具,並在幾分鐘內啟動並運行並同步了我的一些文件夾。看起來我需要重新考慮我的整個 Robocopy 系統備份工作流程。


微軟發布免費 SyncToy 2.1

儘管 SYNC 可以在兩個方向上運行,但所有單向同步都將從 LEFT 到 RIGHT 完成。在創建文件夾對時請記住這一點。

微軟發布免費 SyncToy 2.1


微軟發布免費 SyncToy 2.1

選中後,每個選項 Synchronize、Echo 和 Contribute 都會給您一個簡短的解釋,如上所示,但 Synchronize 是兩個文件夾之間的完全同步。Echo 會將左側文件夾中的所有更改同步到右側文件夾(包括重命名、新文件和刪除),Contribute 與 Echo 相同。但是,左側的刪除不會同步到右側。


微軟發布免費 SyncToy 2.1

就像我之前說的,新的 SyncToy 界面使用簡單且非常直觀。我向我們的 groovyReaders 強烈推薦這個工具,因為它提供了幾種不同的數據同步選項——本地和網絡共享!太糟糕了,微軟沒有將它與他們最新的操作系統 Windows 7 捆綁在一起......

對於現有的 SyncToy 用戶,這裡是 SyncToy 2.1 中包含的錯誤修復和改進列表

SyncToy2.1 is powered by the latest synchronization engine from Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 and provides better performance and robustness. The new features and improvements included in SyncToy 2.1 release are:

  • Better Performance: The speed of file copy operations is significantly increased across the board.
  • Improved Robustness: Much more resilient to transient network and file system errors and better error reporting which pin-points which file the sync failed on in case there’s a fatal error that stops the sync.
  • Folder pair configuration backup: Folder pair configuration is automatically backed up under %localappdata%microsoftsynctoy2.0. User can replace SyncToyDirPairs.bin with the backup copy to resolve last saved configuration.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed the data corruption issue when using SyncToy with NAS drives.
    • Fixed the issue that prevented uploading files to SharePoint when using SyncToy 2.0.
    • Fixed the issue that prevented delete changes from being synchronized when the sync option is set to “Echo”.
    • Fixed the UI issue where reported file time were off by the difference between local time and UTC when destination is a FAT volume.


The major new features and improvements included in previous SyncToy 2.0 release are:

  • Dynamic Drive Letter Assignment: Drive letter reassignment will now be detected and updated in the folder pair definition.
  • True Folder Sync: Folder creates, renames and deletes are now synchronized for all SyncToy actions.
  • Exclusion Filtering Based on Name: File exclusion based on name with exact or fuzzy matching.
  • Filtering Based on File Attributes: The ability to exclude files based on one or more file attributes (Read-Only, System, Hidden).
  • Unattended Folder Pair Execution: Addressed issues related to running scheduled folder pairs while logged off.
  • Folder Pairs With Shared Endpoints: Ability for folder pairs associated with the same or different instances of SyncToy to share end-points.
  • Command line enhancements: Added the ability to manage folder pairs via the command line interface.
  • Re-Architect Sync Engine: The SyncToy engine has been rearchitected to provide scalability and the ability to add significant enhancements in future releases.
  • Sync engine is also more robust insomuch that many single, file level errors are skipped without affecting the entire sync operation.
  • Sync Encrypted Files: Sync of Encrypted files works when local folder and files are encrypted, which addresses the common scenario involving sync between local, encrypted laptop PC folder and remote, unencrypted desktop PC folder.
  • 64-Bit Support: SyncToy now has a native 64-bit build (x64 only) for 64-bit versions of Windows.
  • Folder pair rename
  • Sub-folder Exclusion Enhancements: Descendents created under excluded sub-folders are automatically excluded. Usability improvements for the sub-folder exclusion dialog.
  • Folder Pair Metadata Moved: Folder pair metadata removed from MyDocuments to resolve any issues with server-based folder pair re-direction setup.
  • Setup Improvements: Integrated setup with single self-extracting archive file and no extra downloads if you already have .NET Framework 2.0 installed. Enabled silent install for the SyncToy Installer file (see readme.txt file for more information).

Microsoft SyncToy 2.1 下載頁面[通過microsoftPost.com ]

Tags: #HOW-TO



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