Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

In this post, I want to show you what is, without a doubt, one of the most compelling visualization techniques in Advanced LuckyTemplates. You may watch the full video of this tutorial at the bottom of this blog.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Never feel you are confined to use just the general visualization options inside LuckyTemplates (or custom visuals for that matter). You have a significant opportunity to make your visuals even more compelling by using DAX to create dynamic measures.

In this advanced LuckyTemplates tutorial, I’ll show you how to use, what I term as, the multi-threaded approach to dynamic visuals. Creating a dynamic measure through one selection is cool, but what really takes your visuals to the next level is when you thread multiple variables into measures that then determine what is shown inside visualizations.

This is not an easy technique, but it is certainly worth learning and understanding. If you do, you can start applying it in many different ways.

In the demo model, I’ve used the visual interactions to great effect by creating three layers within the report page to really hone in on key data and information in distinct regions.

I’ll walk you through this advanced LuckyTemplates technique in detail, from creating the tables to working out the DAX calculations. The first thing we have to do is to develop our core calculations (Revenue and Profits). But before we jump to that, let’s look at at our data model and see what we’re working with.

Table of Contents

The Data Model Structure

In our data model, we have our Dates, Customers, Salespeople, Products, Locations, and Sales.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

In our Sales table, where we’re going to do our core calculations, all we have is our Quantity sold. 

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

So we have to write some logic to work out the actual dollar value per sale.  And in our Products table, we have a Current Price column, so we can utilize that and work out the Total Sale value per item that was sold.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Working Out The Core Measures

To create that measure, we click on New Measure and type in the calculation.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We’ll call it Total Sales and we’ll use to iterate through every row in the Sales table, and then multiply the Quantity sold by the price. And so we use the function, which allows us to go back up, through the relationship, to the Products table.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

So that’s essentially our total revenue.  Now we’re going to work out our Total Profits wherein we have a few steps to go through to get it. First we’ll calculate our Total Costs, which we’re able to do because we have Cost column in our Products table.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We can use exactly the same logic (Total Sales calculation), copy and paste it, and create a new measure. We simply change the name to Total Costs,  then instead of current price, we’ll put Costs.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We can put this in a table to make sure that things are calculating correctly. Then we do some formatting and turn this into a dollar value.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

So now we’re looking at per product the Total Sales and the Total Cost.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

From this, we can work out Total Profits quite easily. We simply subtract Total Costs from Total Sales.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Now we have to figure out how we can make these visuals dynamic. Note that we want to dynamically look at dates through time and choose different time frames. For example, we want to look at the last seven days and/or the last 30 days, etc. We can’t do that from a standard date table. We need to create an additional table and feed it into our calculations.

Creating A Supporting Table

There’s a number of ways to create this new table, but I always like to use Enter Data because it works fine in most cases and creates a table very quickly.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

So we click on Enter Data and fill in the columns. We’ll call this table Day Range Selection.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Once we load it in, it says that it’s trying to create a connection to the model, but it has absolutely no physical connection or relationship to anything in the model.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Then, we make that we sort by the Days column our table here to have it in the right order…

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

…and then turn it into a slicer.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Working Out The Day Range Selection Formula

Next thing we need to do is to work out what we’re actually selecting. To do so, we go New Measure again and type in our formula. We’ll use the function and go by Days, but we make sure we sort it out correctly. If we’ll use it like this, we’ll get an error if nothing is selected.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

To correct this, we’ll use , and then go Day Range. So if only one value is selected in the Day Range, then it equals to the days. If not, then it equals to 0 or some default values. Or we can use Dates, so if nothing is selected it’ll show everything. 

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Now that we have this Day Range Selection, which we’ll use in our calculations, we need to somehow determine what actually shows up in a date range based on the selection.

Working Out The Calculation To Show Date Range Selected

First, we put in the Date here in our table, then sort it out and get rid of let’s get rid of some time and specifically show 2015, 2016, and 2017 only.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Now we need to somehow create a calculation that only shows information for whatever range is selected.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

This logic utilizes the statement. This is going to calculate total sale, but only calculate it for a specific period. We can create that period by using over the Dates table. If the date is greater than (>) TODAY, subtracted by the Days Range, and if the date is less than (<) or="" equal="" (=")" to="" today, it’ll="" show="" the="">

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

So, if we put this into a table, we’ll see that this table is dynamic. It’s going to change based on the selection of the slicer.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Context Transition Concept

Before we proceed, I want to show you something quite interesting that if I select nothing, we only get one result, but we have 1,094 in our Day Range.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

This is a very interesting concept called Context Transition.

If we look into our formula, our Date Range is 1,094.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

This is because of the way it’s written when nothing is selected as in Dates.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

The FILTER function in our Total Revenue formula has the Day Range evaluating to one day every row versus the 1,094 rows in which it should.

A very quick way to fix this, without going into details around Context Transition, is to wrap the dates in . No matter where it’s at inside the iterating FILTER function, it’ll receive the total Day Range we have.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Creating A Multi-Threaded Dynamic Visual

To make this multi-threaded, we want to jump between Total Revenue and Total Profits within the same visual. So we’ll do a similar step in terms of creating a supporting table. We’ll call it Metric Selection.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Then, we’ll have to create another dynamic Total Profits. We simply copy our Total Revenue formula, change the name to All Profits and instead of Total Sales, we sub in Total Profits.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We then sort our Metric Selection table by the Index column.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

And now we want to have a value that changes for the selection that we’re making (Revenue or Profits). 

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

The way to do that is to create another measure. We’ll call it Metric Select.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

Next thing we do is to create this master calculation where we feed these threads through it, and then input that one final or master calculation into our visualizations. 

Creating The Master Calculation

We’ll call this formula Metric Selection Results. In this calculation, we’ll use the logic.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We drag this measure into our table and we have this multi-threaded result or calculation. We can select any time frame and any metric and will give us that result.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We can also use this measure in any of our dimensions. For instance, we might want to look at this from a daily perspective, our total products or customers, etc.

Advanced LuckyTemplates: How To Create Multi Threaded Dynamic Visuals

We can click through and look at our profits versus our revenues. We can look at a specific time frame and see how this dynamic visualization gives us a range of different looks. We can feed in a number of different selections or threads into it.

Data Visualization Technique in LuckyTemplates – Multi Measure Dynamic Visuals
How To Create A Dynamic LuckyTemplates Report
Using Filter Fields & Visual Interactions To Create Compelling Visualizations In LuckyTemplates


In this tutorial, we have looked at an advanced LuckyTemplates technique. This is just one example of the way you can do this, but there are so many different ways that you can utilize this technique. One that just stands out to me is when you want to dynamically look at a ranking of customers. 

My main goal with this tutorial is really to inspire you about what you can achieve within LuckyTemplates. It is seriously unlimited! While you have to learn a lot about all the different areas within LuckyTemplates to get everything working well, once you do, the visualization and analytical work can achieve amazing results.

Good luck with this one – I’d recommend learning this advanced LuckyTemplates technique well. You won’t regret it for a second!


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