Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I’ve been applying a kind of conditional formatting in LuckyTemplates that gives me unique insights in my visualizations. It’s been a game-changer in the way I develop my reports. You may watch the full video of this tutorial at the bottom of this blog.

I’ve done a demo on this same approach before, but I wasn’t able to maximize its use until recently. Since then, I’ve applied it to a number of different reports I’ve been working on. I’ve also found ways to deliver insights that were so difficult to show before.

I’ll give you a peek at the possibilities when you use conditional formatting in LuckyTemplates.

Table of Contents

Daily Revenue Logic

I’m going to start by adding a table here in my report. This will show me the data I’m working with.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Now I want to see whether the revenue for the current day is larger than the revenue the day before. I’m not just talking about the numbers in the table – I also want to see that from a visualization perspective.

So I’m going to start by creating a new measure.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I’ll call this measure Daily Revenue Logic.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I’ll use the function and reference Total Revenue. Then, I’ll use and do a -1 for the Day.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Once I drag that measure into my table, you’ll see that each row is displaying the number from the day before.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I’m going to increase the logic for that measure a little bit. I’m going to turn the original formula I wrote earlier into a variable. I’ll call it PreviousDayRev.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Then, I’ll add another variable called CurrentDayRev. This is going to be equal to Total Revenue.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Next, I’m going to write my logic that PreviousDayRev is greater than CurrentDayRev then it should return a 0. Otherwise, it should return a 1.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Once that logic is applied to my table, you’ll see that the column now shows zeroes and ones, depending on whether the value for a certain day is greater or lower than the previous day’s.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Applying Conditional Formatting

Now, let me show you how to apply conditional formatting to help visualize that logic I just added.

Under visualization, I’ll go to Data Colors, then I’ll click on the fx button.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

That button opens up a window that allows me to format my visuals based on certain conditions. In this case, I’m going to format my chart by adding Rules.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

The great thing about rules is that you can select any field or measure. So I’ll select Daily Revenue Logic from the dropdown menu. Then, I’ll say that if the value is equal to 0, then make it blue.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Now I’m going to add another rule. This time, if the value is equal to 1, then make it a deeper shade of blue.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I’ll overlay those conditions into the visualization by clicking OK. Now, the visualization shows those two colors, indicating when the revenues are higher or lower than the day before.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Other Contexts Applied

Even if I’ve added that conditional formatting into my visualization, the existing contexts within this report are still applicable. For example, I can still change the timeframe using the date slicer. This action will still affect my visualization.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I can also select a different channel by clicking on the pie chart.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

I can even look at the data based on particular states. But notice here that even if I clicked on a specific state, the visualization remains the same.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

When that happens, look at whether these filters are set up correctly. Going into my model, I can see that there is no relationship between the States table and the fact table. However, I do see a relationship between US Regions and the fact table.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

Looking at the US Regions table, it has a column for state_code. So I’ll bring that into my report instead. You’ll see that this filter is now working and is also adding context to my visualization.

Showcase Unique Insights Using Conditional Formatting In LuckyTemplates

How To Control The Interactions Of Your Visuals In LuckyTemplates
Custom Conditional Formatting Techniques In LuckyTemplates
Using Moving Averages To Show Trends in LuckyTemplates


Utilizing the conditional formatting in can definitely change the kind of insights you’ll get from your reports. It pays to apply creativity even as you look at your report from an analytical point of view.

From here, there are a lot of other possibilities. For example, you could choose to highlight the day with the highest value by applying another rule for that. It doesn’t even have to be shown by date. You can sort the data by customer, for example. There is a whole world of opportunities available to us to represent data in a really compelling way.

All the best,

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