Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

Today, I want to talk about the new tooltips in LuckyTemplates – the new Modern Visual tooltips. I think has the potential to be pretty great. It’s just in preview right now. It’s in the early stages, but you could see the potential for it. I want to take some time and show you what it does, how it works, and where I think it’s going. You may watch the full video of this tutorial at the bottom of this blog.

Before we get into that, let’s take a look at the old tooltips. This is just a simple report I put together for demonstration purposes.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

It has a matrix with some different granularities; it’s got year and month, channels, and total revenue. On the right-side visual, I’ve got a Total Revenue by Year, and then you can drill down into month, and drill through in the customer as well. I’ve also got a page with the Top 5 Customer Detail.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

As you can see on the report page, the current default tooltip is not very exciting. It’s the standard black and gray and white tooltip, which is pretty minimal. You can customize it, but this is what it looks like out of the box.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

Now, let’s take a look at the modern visual tooltips. I think you’ll see some striking differences right away.

Table of Contents

The New Modern Visual Tooltips In LuckyTemplates

It’s a preview feature, so you need to go to Options and Settings to access it. Go to Preview Features and click on Modern Visual Tooltips to enable it.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

The interesting thing is that for new reports, once you turn that on, it’ll create the new modern visual tooltip in every report you create subsequently. But for old reports, you go into Report Settings and then scroll down. You’ll see there’s a second option where you have to turn on modern visual tooltips in the existing report.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

And if you do that, you’ll see some immediate changes in the report. The first thing we see is that the tooltip looks different. It takes on the theme of the report itself.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

You can customize that at the visual level, just through the paint roller. You’ll see within the tooltip that you can change all the different colors, font, font family, background, color transparency, and all the standard features you’ve been able to change in the past.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

You can also go into the View tab, where you can change the tooltip at the Theme level. Just go into Customize Current Theme Visuals.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

You can change the visual tooltip for the entire report, or you can set it back to default.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

The nice thing about the modern tooltips is that you just hover over the tooltip and hold for a little bit, and you’ll see all the drill down, drill up, and drill through options.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

The Drill through option enables you to go to the Top 5 Customer Details page.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

When you get to that page, you can also drill up and drill down.

Tooltips In LuckyTemplates | New Modern Visual Tooltips Review

Creating A Visual Tooltip In LuckyTemplates
Dynamic Tooltip In LuckyTemplates With Embedded Charts
LuckyTemplates Tooltips On Report Images


In this blog, I’ve walked you through the new modern tooltips in LuckyTemplates. You can see that it just makes navigation and the transparency of the flow of your report a lot clearer for the average user. I think it looks nice.

The one thing about it that is pretty limited right now is that it’s only the bar chart where you’ve got full control of the drill actions. It’s not available for line charts, custom visuals, area charts, and decomposition trees.

For me, what’s going to happen is that with each successive rollout, we’re going to see more and more visuals and features added to the modern visual tooltips. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s a really nice feature. I definitely encourage you to play around with it. If it’s active for the visuals in your report, I think it’s very usable as it is.

All the best!

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