如何將您的照片導入 Adob​​e Lightroom Classic

您的硬盤驅動器上可能有一些照片要導入 Adob​​e Lightroom Classic,並且您將有新照片要從存儲卡導入。兩種情況下的工作流程相同,但您遇到的選項有一些細微的差異。



  • 您將使用什麼導入方法?
  • 您要備份導入的副本嗎?
  • 你知道你想讓你的照片去/留在哪裡嗎?
  • 是否有您想要應用的關鍵字或預設之類的東西?
  • 您是否為要使用的文件命名約定創建了文件名模板?

當您將所有鴨子連續開始導入過程時,可以節省大量時間。請記住,導入過程提供的機會不僅僅是開始在Lightroom Classic 中查看您的照片。縱觀全局,了解利用導入過程的全部潛力的導入工作流程:





開始將照片導入 Lightroom


  • 單擊庫模塊中的導入按鈕。此方法可能是啟動導入的最常用方法,因為 Library 模塊中的大導入按鈕很容易被發現(而且誰不喜歡單擊按鈕)。從任何磁盤或設備導入時都可以使用它。
  • 將相機或存儲卡連接到計算機。如果您提前在 Lightroom Classic 的首選項文件中啟用此功能,則只要檢測到存儲卡存在(單獨或作為數碼相機的一部分),導入對話框就會自動啟動。如果您只有在要進行 Lightroom Classic 導入時才連接相機或存儲卡,這可以真正節省時間。
  • 從主菜單中選擇文件→導入照片和視頻。如果您要從存儲卡或硬盤上的文件導入文件,請使用此選項。
  • 拖放。您可以將圖像文件夾從文件瀏覽器拖放到庫模塊上以開始導入過程。

選擇要導入 Lightroom Classic 的照片






如果您從存儲卡導入,則復制為 DNG 和復制是唯一可用的選項。如果您從驅動器導入所有選項,則可以使用“複製為 DNG”、“複製”、“移動”和“添加”。

這是為什麼。如果您從設備(例如存儲卡)導入,則不需要添加選項,因為存儲卡只是臨時存儲設備。Lightroom Classic 知道這一點並禁用該選項。根據處理存儲卡的最佳實踐,移動也不是一種選擇。



“複製”和“移動”文件處理選項包括使用“添加”選項時未找到的其他設置。這樣做的原因是,當您只添加時,您不會更改照片的任何內容。您只是告訴 Lightroom Classic 文件所在的位置並繼續導入其數據。因此,如果您選擇複製或移動照片然後導入,則需要告訴 Lightroom Classic 您希望它們去哪里以及是否要在此過程中更改它們的名稱。


  • 目的地:儘管此選項出現在“導入”對話框的底部,但我首先要討論它,因為它是最重要的。您在這裡做兩件事:選擇照片的目的地並控制在導入過程中創建的文件夾結構。您可以選擇三種組織方式:
    • 按原始文件夾:當您從磁盤移動或複制並希望在目標磁盤上複製相同的文件夾結構時,此選項很有用。
    • 按日期:這是默認選項。Lightroom Classic 提供了八種基於日期的文件夾結構(YYYY/MM-DD、YYYY/Month/DD 等)以供選擇。照片中的拍攝日期用於創建實際使用的日期,這反映在“組織”字段下方的空間中。分隔某些日期選項的斜線意味著將創建文件夾和子文件夾結構。
    • 放入一個文件夾:此選項允許您將所有照片放入一個文件夾中,而無需考慮日期或原始文件夾結構。
  • 文件重命名:提供放置在目標文件夾中時更改文件名的選項。如果您希望文件名保留原始名稱,請從模板下拉菜單中選擇文件名。文件名的外觀示例顯示在模板字段上方,使用所選模板。

Lightroom Classic 的文件重命名功能非常強大且用途廣泛。這是導入期間的一個很好的選擇,但請記住,您可以稍後在庫模塊中重命名文件。所以,不要在導入時感到壓力。

Lightroom Classic 安裝了許多預構建的文件名模板供您使用,但當您使用文件名模板編輯器(如圖所示)創建自定義模板時,它的真正力量就會釋放出來。您可以通過單擊模板下拉菜單並選擇編輯來訪問編輯器。

如何將您的照片導入 Adob​​e Lightroom Classic




  • 導入編號:您可以使用此標記在文件名中包含導入編號。導入編號通過目錄設置對話框的文件處理選項卡進行管理。
  • Image #:當您想在多個導入中對文件進行增量編號時,可以包含此標記。由“導入的照片”值控制,從“目錄設置”對話框的“文件處理”選項卡管理圖像 #。





從乾淨的石板開始。只需單擊令牌後面的字段,然後按 Delete(Windows 的退格鍵)。請注意上面的示例,當您添加或刪除標記以預覽文件名的顯示方式時,字段會發生變化。

單擊編輯器附加部分中的下拉菜單,然後選擇日期 (YYYYMMDD) 標記。

Click the editing field behind the date token and type an underscore.

You aren’t limited to using just the tokens to build your filenames. You can type right into the editing field. Just remember that with filenames, you don’t want to make them any longer than necessary, and you want to avoid all nonalphanumeric characters except for dashes and underscores to prevent potential problems down the road.

In the Image Name section of the editor, choose the Filename Number Suffix token from the drop-down menu.
This is the camera-generated file number.

Click the Preset drop-down menu at the top of the editor, and choose Save Current Settings As New Preset.
Doing so opens the New Preset dialog. In case you haven’t noticed, the folks at Adobe use the words template and preset interchangeably. Don’t let that confuse you.

Give the preset (template) a descriptive name, and click Create.
After you click Create, you see this name appear in the Preset menu.

Click Done.
You’re brought to the Import dialog with your new template selected.

Regardless of the file-handling method you use, you always have the option to apply three types of information to all the imported files via the Apply During Import panel:

  • Develop Settings: While some prebuilt Develop settings are available to you out of the box, I don’t recommend using any at this point. Applying a Develop setting to all photos at import can be helpful at times (such as when you’re shooting in a studio and want to apply a custom white-balance setting), but the majority of your imports can do without Develop settings — which means you should leave this set to None.
  • Metadata: There’s no reason not to apply a basic set of metadata to all imported photos. Create a preset (more on that later) that contains your basic copyright and contact information, and apply it every time.
  • Keywords: Keywords identify your photos and — when used consistently — provide a powerful means to find specific photos after your catalog grows. It isn’t a sexy aspect of the import process, but do it, and you’ll reap the rewards. During import, you only want to be careful about getting too specific because the keywords you enter here are going to be applied to every imported photo in the session.

The process for creating a Metadata preset is worth a closer look. You can create an unlimited number of Metadata presets, which can be applied during import or later in the Library module. I create a baseline preset (meaning information that I want on all photos regardless of subject, job, or location) containing all my relevant information (copyright, name, contact info, and so on).

To create a basic Metadata preset, you do the following:

In the Apply During Import panel of the Import dialog, click the Metadata drop-down menu, and choose New.
Doing so launches the New Metadata Preset dialog (see the following figure).

Enter a name for your new preset in the Preset Name field.

Fill out all the fields in the IPTC Copyright and IPTC Creator fields.
This is the basic information about who holds the copyright to this photo and how to contact them. Adding it here means it’s written into the metadata of your exported files and can be written to the XMP metadata of your source files.

Here’s how to create the (c) symbol so that it can be included in the Copyright field. If you are working in Windows and have a separate number keypad, hold down the Alt key and press 0169 on the keypad, and then release the Alt key. If you’re on a laptop with a keypad overlay on your regular keyboard, hold down the function (Fn) key and the Alt key, and then press 0169. If you’re working on a Mac, hold down the Option key and press G.

Click the Create button.
This saves the preset using the name you entered in Step 1 and closes the Metadata Preset dialog. You see the new preset in the Metadata field of the Import dialog.

如何將您的照片導入 Adob​​e Lightroom Classic

The New Metadata Preset dialog.

The last setting to configure before clicking the Import button is Build Previews in the File Handling panel. Lightroom Classic begins rendering the previews after the import process is complete. This setting determines the size of the previews it starts creating after import. Here are your options:

  • Minimal: With Minimal selected, the lowest-resolution previews are grabbed from each file as quickly as possible. Lightroom Classic renders its previews as needed when you are working.
  • Embedded & Sidecar: Some photos have a larger or full-size preview embedded within their files (or their companion metadata files). With this option, that preview is grabbed first, which may provide higher initial quality viewing over what you see if you choose the Minimal option. This is a great option for a fast import with the ability to check focus and separate the keepers from the deletions. I use this option almost all the time.
  • Standard: This setting tells Lightroom Classic to go ahead and start rendering standard-sized previews based on those settings for all recently imported images.
  • 1:1: This is a full-size, pixel-per-pixel preview of the source file that Lightroom Classic displays when you are viewing photos up close in the Library module. With this option is set, Lightroom Classic doesn’t wait until 1:1 previews are needed; instead, Lightroom Classic starts rendering them after the import is complete.

No matter which setting you use, Lightroom Classic still eventually renders the previews it requires when needed. The main purpose of the setting is to give you a little control over this background process that happens after the import is complete. I routinely choose the Embedded & Sidecar option.

Importing your photos to Lightroom Classic

The two most common types of imports you perform are the Add (especially for new Lightroom Classic users) and Copy variants.

Importing from a drive (Add)

對於您想要使用 Lightroom Classic 管理硬盤驅動器上的照片,但將它們保存在硬盤驅動器上的位置,您可以使用添加方法。以下是將現有照片添加到目錄的步驟:

要進入庫模塊,請在 Lightroom Classic 中的任意位置按 G(用於網格)。

在“源”面板中,導航到包含 照片的頂級文件夾並選擇它,確保選中“包括子文件夾”。



您可以稍後使用 Lightroom Classic 的工具來整理和刪除任何不完美的照片。


























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